The Matrix: Revisited
With The Matrix: Resurrections coming in December, I figured it was a good time to re-watch the original trilogy. I loved the first movie ever… Continue reading The Matrix: Revisited
With The Matrix: Resurrections coming in December, I figured it was a good time to re-watch the original trilogy. I loved the first movie ever… Continue reading The Matrix: Revisited
It would appear that Kang (or Kangs) is/are the new Big Bad for MCU Phase 4. So, where do we go from here? Let’s take a look at what has officially been announced and try to piece together how Phase 4 will play out the challenge of Kang The Conqueror.
The Obi Wan Kenobi series on Disney+ is bringing back Hayden Christensen to presumably play some version of Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader. The questions… Continue reading Jedi Mercy?
Like millions of other people, I watched Zack Snyder’s Justice League (to be referred to as The Snyder Cut) over the weekend on HBO Max. And like almost everyone else who watched it, I’ve decided to post some thoughts.
I loved Avengers: Endgame, and I think the last hour or so of it is the most rewatchable MCU movie out there.
Rise Of Skywalker was not only the final chapter of the long-awaited sequel trilogy, but also the final chapter in an extraordinarily beloved movie series that stems back more than 40 years.
I understand that the title of this post is quite lofty, but I do want to clarify one big thing regarding this statement before we… Continue reading Superman Returns: The Biggest Missed Opportunity In Comic Book Movie History
Since Warner Bros and DC have decided to officially open up the multiverse, I figured now was as good a time as any to list… Continue reading Ranking The Films Of The DC Multiverse
I’m going to put this right at the top here: Every word in this post contains spoilers about Avengers: Infinity War. I’m not doing a… Continue reading The Marvelous Misdirections Of Avengers: Infinity War
It may sound crazy, but I feel that Luke Skywalker always got the short shrift. Sure, everyone is super excited to see what’s become of… Continue reading The Ballad Of Luke Skywalker