Tom Petty Knew How To Cut To The Chase
I’ve always enjoyed Tom Petty’s music, but it’s been a few years since I gave his catalogue a thorough listening. Upon re-visiting it these past… Continue reading Tom Petty Knew How To Cut To The Chase
I’ve always enjoyed Tom Petty’s music, but it’s been a few years since I gave his catalogue a thorough listening. Upon re-visiting it these past… Continue reading Tom Petty Knew How To Cut To The Chase
The Killers have a new album out titled “Wonderful Wonderful”, and it’s pretty good. The title track has a nice riff that sounds a lot… Continue reading The Killers Were The Soundtrack Of My 20’s
As a part of my new personal initiative to stay active on my blog, I figure I’ll start posting reviews of movies, TV, and whatever… Continue reading IT Conquered The World!
It’s been a while, but life takes you down some unexpected roads sometimes. In my case it was a wonderful road that brought me to… Continue reading What Lies At Baelwood Manor
A lot has already been written about the new Netflix show Stranger Things, so I’m not really going to take too deep a general… Continue reading Stranger, Better Things
Deadpool just became the highest grossing R rated film of all time, which is awesome, but I’m not here to discuss Deadpool specifically. Rather, what… Continue reading America Is “R”-eady!
I’m about to lay out my take on Batman v Superman, so be warned, there are massive spoilers ahead. The majority of reviews were… Continue reading Batman v Superman v Batman & Superman
If you’ve clicked to read this blog then you already have some sort of interest in the current WWE product, and so you don’t really… Continue reading Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose A.K.A. Vince vs The WWE Universe
Fantasy booking is a term you read a lot from pro wrestling reporters. It’s essentially when they book the storylines and matches that they would… Continue reading Fantasy Booking Game Of Throne Season 6
A few weeks ago my three month old was only sleeping about an hour at a time – he’s since gotten much better. But this… Continue reading We Need To Talk About Movie Bloat